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Subject Related Publications
BLAGDEN, Sue, EVERETT, John, What Colour Is The Wind?, Crosham Wiltshire, National Society for Education in Art and Design, 1992.BRETTON HALL, Against the Odds, Art Education and Special Educational Needs Conference Papers, 1995.
CAINE, Alan, HARTLEY Eleanor & NAUGHTON Pádraig, Artists at Work, Leicester, Richard Attenborough Centre, 1998.
CAINE, Alan, HARTLEY Eleanor & SULLIVAN Rachel, Touch and See, Leicester, Richard Attenborough Centre, 1983.
CASSIM Julia, KUNO Shin & TSUNODA Minako, Art and the Inner Eye, Nagoya City Art Museum, 1994.
CITY ARTS CENTRE, Celebrating Difference, Dublin, 1993.
CITY ARTS CENTRE, Arts & Disability Conference Papers, Dublin, 1994
FUKURAI, Shiro, How Can I make What I Cannot See?, New York, Van Nosrand Reinhold Company, 1974.
HALDANE, Duncan, Art and Visually Impaired People, London, Lulham Art Publications, 1996.
HARTLEY, Eleanor, Art and Touch Education for Visually Handicapped People, Leicester, Richard Attenborough Centre, 1990.
HARTLEY, Eleanor, Finding Form, University of Leicester, 1990.
NISHIMURA, Yohei, Let`s Make What We`ve Never Seen, Tokyo, Kaisei-sha, 1990.
MAGEE, Bryan, MILLIGAN, Martin, On Blindness, Oxford University Press, 1995.
OFSTED, The Implementation of the Code of Practice for Pupils with Special Educational Needs, London, HMSO, 1996.
PEARSON, Jane, Vision in Art Education, Leicester, Richard Attenborough Centre, 1996.
POMPIDOU CENTRE & TOM GALLERY, Balls for Meditation, Paris & Tokyo, 1988.
ROPER, Patrick Trevor, The World Through Blunted Sight, London, Penguin, 1990.
ROYAL NATIONAL INSTISUTE FOR THE BLIND, Art Horizons European Blind Union Conference, London, 1992.
ROYAL NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR THE BLIND, Listening to Students, London, 1996.
THE SOUTH BANK CENTRE, Dark Light, London, 1995.
ST. JOSEPH'S SCHOOL FOR VISUALLY IMPAIRED BOYS, Touch an Exhibition of Ceramic Sculpture, Dublin, 1993.
WHITLOCK, Richard, Touch and See, Thessaloniki, City Council of Thessaloniki and The School for the Blind of Northern Greece, 1991.
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Telephone: 0171-3881266Art Monthly (available on cassette)
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Video Material
Title: Behind The Eye
Director: John Davis
Producer: Robert Smith
Featured Artists: Jennifer Maskel Packer,Jonathan Huxley & Mansel Griffiths
A Frontroom Film Production for The Arts Council in association with Channel 4 Television, London, 1992